Council Guide Training - at Star Dance, New Mexico

This journey will take place at Star Dance, Abiquiu, New Mexico.

Star Dance is the sacred name for a beautiful and magestic 40+ acres of land in Northeastern New Mexico. WhiteEagle shares her ceremonial grounds with those studying with her and the spiritual way she carries. She caretakes this land in a way to allow for humans to be touched by the magic of the Mother Earth in this unique and precious place. Star Dance is open to all individuals who want to be touched by the Earth and to all groups who are doing work to bring Healing to our Sacred Hoop with their own circles of people, their teachings or as individuals.

This amazing land opens those who come... opens them to possibilities in themselves and in Life. The groups or individuals that come here touch into a serenity which allows them to see deeply and hear more openly from the quiet that is Star Dance.

This land, not settled by humans in the past, is the home of the animal nation and the bird tribes. It is the perfect place to bring yourself, your family or your circles of people to rest and reflect, to learn deeply, or to find new and deeper ways of being in relationship with yourselves, each other and our Mother Earth.

Lodging fees for this cycle of ceremonies includes three meals/day, water, coffee and tea. Arriving on Tuesday and leaving on Sunday is considered five nights lodging.

  1. Bring your own gear and camp*: $60/night ($300)
  2. Stay in a beautiful yurt*: $80/night ($400). The yurt is equipped with bunk-beds, dormitory style.**
  3. Stay in the southwest style Coyote Lodge with bunk beds, dormitory style with full baths and fireplaces: $110/night.**

All options include three meals a day and all your water, tea and coffee. If you plan to stay longer you can add to the total.

*Access to two outdoor showers and two toilets in a separate building nearby.
**Sheets, towels and pillows included.

Accommodation may be paid through the Star Dance payment site: or you can bring cash or check. Please note the venue payment site is separate from the tuition payment site. Issue checks to "Star Dance LLC."

How to contact us:


Phone: 505-901-2936

Star Dance LLC
PO BOX 1116
Abiquiu, NM 87510

• Star Dance tries to ensure that all customers will be completely satisfied. We have a 'negotiable' return policy
• Star Dance never shares customer information with third parties.